Why Am I So Fat(IGUED)?

      "It seems to me to be necessary for every physician to be skilled in nature and to strive to know, if he wants to perform his duties, what man is in relation to the food and drink he consumes and to all his other occupations, as well as their effects on everyone else. Because if he does not know what effects these things
have on man, he cannot know the consequences that result from them. If he does not pay attention to these things, or paying attention does not understand them, how can he understand the diseases which befall man? For man is affected by every one of these things and changed by them in numerous ways. The whole of his life is subjected to them, whether in health, convalescence or disease. Nothing else, therefore, can be more important than to know these things. (Hippocrates 450 BC.)

Wow, what a smart guy, this Hippo-something guy! He was basically saying not only that "you are what you consume" but that "you are what you do" as well. And he was saying that it behooves medical doctors to pay attention to nutritional and lifestyle factors when endeavoring to understand the "diseases that befall man."

And in today's world, as in the world of ancient Greece where Hippocrates lived and practiced medicine, there are some "diseases that befall man" (or woman) which today's doctors often misdiagnose or do not fully understand. Two of these diseases or syndromes recently named "fibromyalgia" and "chronic fatigue syndrome" were only reluctantly given these names and a place in medical literature after patients suffered for many years with either no diagnosis at all or a diagnosis of a mental or emotional disorder.

For years male combat veterans have been diagnosed with "shell-shock," "combat fatigue," or more recently, "post-traumatic stress disorder." An interesting historical fact in relation to this is that President John F.

Kennedy took cortisol (a steroid hormone secreted from the adrenal glands) for much of his adult life after having his PT-109 torpedo ship destroyed by a collision with a Japanese warship in August 1943 during World War II. He rallied the survivors, rescuing one of them who was badly wounded, and received the following citation from the Navy: "For extremely heroic conduct as Commanding Officer of Motor Torpedo Boat 109 following the collision and sinking of that vessel in the Pacific War Theater on August 1-2, 1943.

Unmindful of personal danger, Lieutenant Kennedy unhesitatingly braved the difficulties and hazards of darkness to direct rescue operations, swimming many hours to secure aid and food after he had succeeded in getting his crew ashore. His outstanding courage, endurance and leadership contributed to the saving of several lives and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service." Evidently, though, JFK experienced physical and/or emotional sequelae from this traumatic event, and in 1948 his doctor prescribed cortisol, which he took for the rest of his life, for Addison's disease - withering of the adrenal glands. One has to wonder how much the trauma of World War II had to do with Kennedy's Addison's disease. Even back in 1948 some physicians, including the one who treated Kennedy, recognized that extreme stress or trauma could overwork the adrenal glands, rendering them sub-functional thereafter.

However, although disorders resulting from combat trauma were thus recognized fairly early in men, many female patients suffering from fatigue and muscle and joint pain went un-diagnosed. In essence, doctors threw up their hands and said either, "There's nothing wrong with you," or "Your disorder is psychological," and many times prescribed antidepressant medications as treatment. Although these medications did help some patients with a fatigue syndrome, they did little to address the underlying causes of the fatigue, pain, insomnia, etc. For some reason, cultural or otherwise, many men were allowed to have a genuine stress-related physical diagnosis, while many women were relegated to diagnoses which made them sound hysterical or mentally weak. As chauvinistic as this seems (and likely was), those inequalities will not be further addressed here. The truth is, many men (especially combat veterans) as well as women were not then and still today are not being afforded the careful and thorough physical examinations and laboratory analyses which they need to identify their actual problem - which, not surprisingly, is often related to depletion of their adrenal glandular function. Relatively recently, after years of puzzling symptoms that doctors had a hard time diagnosing, the medical profession has recognized the diagnosis of "adrenal fatigue."

It has long been known that the adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys, secrete substances such as adrenaline and cortisol in response to danger, stress, or threat. This is an instinctive bodily response which alerts the autonomic nervous system, which regulates breathing, nerve sensitivity, and heart rate, to heighten its activity. It has also long been known that cortisol from the adrenals normally helps to counteract the effects of the stress or threat. For instance, it aids in the release of insulin, helps bring blood sugar back to normal levels, regulates blood pressure and immune function, and lessens inflammatory responses in the body. It also provides a quick energy fix, heightens mental alertness, and temporarily raises the body's pain threshold. These temporary changes help a person meet the challenges successfully, and then the body usually returns to an autonomically normal state (slower breathing and heart rate, etc.). However, since cortisol's purpose in the body is to respond to a temporary state of challenge, whenever the stress is constant or unmitigated for too long a period of time, the body remains in a state of hypervigilance, causing cortisol to accumulate to unhealthy levels in the body. At these excessive levels over a long period of time, cortisol ceases to be beneficial. A high cortisol level actually encourages the accumulation of fat around the middle and actually causes the body to begin metabolizing proteins from the muscles as energy sources, causing muscle pain, weakness, and fatigue. Also, levels of the beneficial steroid hormone DHEA, which is also secreted by the adrenals, begin to fall, since DHEA levels are inversely affected by cortisol levels.

This state of excess cortisol in the body is the earliest stage of adrenal fatigue. As described above, the body reacts poorly to the over-balance of cortisol, with weight gain, sweet cravings, and muscle weakness. However, the continuation of a high stress level causes the body to keep calling for more cortisol. This is the second stage of adrenal fatigue, as the adrenal glands become less able to pump out the amount of cortisol which the patient's stress level continually demands. They don't stop trying, though, and in the process they become weakened at the cellular level and thus less able to secrete adequate amounts of all of the vital hormones which they normally do. In women, if adrenal fatigue happens after menopause, it can greatly worsen menopausal symptoms, because many of the hormones secreted by the adrenals are inter-related with estrogen, progesterone, and pregnenolone, and now the balance has been tampered with. Also, an adrenal imbalance can adversely affect hormones secreted by the thyroid gland as well, since the adrenals communicate chemically with the thyroid.

The third stage of this stress-induced process is adrenal exhaustion - more pronounced than adrenal fatigue but still not so pronounced as to be called Addison's disease, which is complete atrophy of the adrenals. During the adrenal exhaustion phase, cortisol output gradually declines significantly below suboptimal levels, because although the stress level demands more cortisol, the adrenals are no longer able to even try keep up with the demands.

These facts regarding the adrenals are important to those of us who want to maintain a healthy weight. During the initial phase of adrenal fatigue, weight often accumulates in all the wrong places and it is virtually impossible to lose it. Furthermore, if a person strenuously exercises too often, the stress placed up on the body by this in addition to all the other stresses can actually worsen the syndrome. However, if adrenal fatigue advances past stage one, often a person will begin to lose weight beyond a healthy point, and will now have a thin body type with too little fat. Although they may look thin and fit, their energy levels still remain low, as their body is still unhealthily metabolizing protein fuels from necessary muscle mass.

The conclusion of all these alarming facts, then? - well, just count how many times the word "stress" has been used in this article, and you will know - stress management is vital for healthy adrenal function, which is vital to our health, sexual function, and energy levels. So what can be done to aid stress management? First and foremost, a diet of mostly unprocessed foods with the right proportions of carbohydrates, protein, and fats (the right kind), and a wealth of alkalizing fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, be sure your diet and/or dietary supplementation includes a sufficient amount of zinc, which helps to support adrenal function. Next, examine your life for energy thieves and eliminate them. Stop doing things that don't reward you and stay away from people or pursuits that drain your energies. Get a little extra sleep where possible and give yourself the luxury of a nap whenever possible. If a nap isn't possible, at least indulge in a little vivid imagery of being in your favorite place in the world. Enjoy a regimen of mild daily exercise, and go for a walk in the woods when you can!

So Hippocrates was right on the money when he said that man is affected by these things and changed by them in numerous ways - "these things" being what we eat, drink, and consume, and "other occupations," including leisure. Leisure and relaxation are just as important if not more important than our work demands. And strictly speaking, really our adrenal glands' response to a given situation is what tells us whether to define it as work or as recreation! So listen - your adrenals are probably telling you something right now!

Working with Dr. Anna Cabeca, we have developed Mighty Maca Greens that can not only lead to better adrenal health, weight loss and improved energy, but also better overall digestive health and well-being. Mighty Maca is a proprietary anti-oxidant, alkalizing drink that heals from the inside. It is natural and organic, with no allergens. Find out more at http://www.mightymaca.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Anna_Cabeca

Yes, Losing Weight Can Be Easy

      Weight loss doesn't have to be difficult. What if you can find a product that helps you lose weight without having to diet strictly or exercise all day long?

For those of you wanting to boost your metabolism this product is perfect. Chlorogenic Acid works by inhibiting the release of glucose in the body while at the same time boosting the metabolism or the "burning" of fat in the liver. These two mechanisms combined work together to inhibit the absorption of fat and eliminate weight gain.

Research now indicates that Green Coffee extract efficiently burns fat without undue problems. These are beans that have not been roasted. Coffee beans are a red with a green seed inside. The seeds are left unroasted. Instead they are soaked and concentrated. Roasting can cause up to 90% of the weight loss ingredient to be destroyed. The weight loss ingredient of chlorogenic acid then will not be destroyed by heat.

This is why drinking a few cups of coffee in the morning will not work. In the study the adults that participated lost an average of 17 pounds in 12 weeks. That is about 10% of average body weight. A loss of 2 pounds a week can be expected. People should look for 45% chlorogenic acid in the pill and the recommended dosage is 400 mg.

The study found no side effects.Caffeine was not found to be a problem with this product. The product only has 23 mg of caffeine per serving whereas a cup of coffee may have up to 100 mg per cup. The extract does not raise heart rate or cause jitters. It is also shown that Green Coffee Extract may lower blood pressure. problems have not been reported with the this product. You only need to take three or four tablets a day, less caffeine than one cup of coffee.

Green Coffee Extract stimulates the metabolism and causes you to lose weight. According to studies it also seems to reduce the body's ability to store fat. More benefits of green coffee are anti aging and the cleansing of free radicals from the body. It also improves muscle tone and improves circulation.

Losing weight with natual products helps to make weight loss easy and safe, it doesn't have to be that hard.

People in test studies have not had any problems and the report is the weight is dropping off. Green Coffee Extract, combined with a healthy diet and moderate every day exercise can help you achieve your dreams.
I have lost weight quickly and so can you, go to my blog site and find out how. Losing weight doesn't have to be difficult.. You can lose easily too. It will be fun.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Linda_L_Dietrick

Powerful Colon Cleanse Weight Loss Benefits

      Have you ever stopped and given any thought as to why you are overweight - or why you can't seem to lose weight no matter how hard you try? Truth be told, in some cases, your trouble with weight can be due in part to genetics, while for 90% of all Americans, being overweight is almost always directly related an individual's poor diet and a lack of nutrition.

Fortunately, you can begin to lose weight with ease without taking the route of dangerous surgeries or fad diets.

How Your Colon Influences Weight Gain

Instead of looking to fad diets and potentially dangerous surgeries such as liposuction or gastric bypass as your only option to lose weight, you can indeed shed those unwanted pounds through a simple colon cleanse. When your digestive system is free from unnecessary waste and toxins your body will begin to function at its best - meaning that your body will be able to process foods more efficiently and effectively thus allowing your body weight to return back to normal.

It is not hard to see why obesity has become such a widespread problem. Given the fact that the average American fails to consume at least 3 to 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day, your colon is not receiving the adequate amount of fiber it needs to help regulate your digestive system.

Unfortunately, after undergoing years of eating the wrong foods, your colon becomes so clogged of toxic matter and debris that it can no longer digest your food properly, causing you to pack on unnecessary weight that you would have otherwise been rid of if your digestive system was able to properly dispose of it.

When your colon becomes so impacted with waste and toxins, it also becomes a dangerous breeding ground for bacteria. The accumulation of bacteria and other dangerous plaque oftentimes leads to constant bloating.

Colon Cleansing: A Healthy Way to Weight Loss
In order to get on the right track to a healthier digestive system, and ultimately lose weight in the process, you must undergo a colon cleansing treatment. It is important to note that colon cleansing is not a "quick-fix" solution that will happen overnight. Instead, colon cleaning is a more long-term treatment that will require you to undergo cleansing at least two times per year in order to remove all of the bacteria, toxins, and plaque that have been clogging up your colon for years.

The benefits of a colon cleanse are two-fold. On one hand, you receive the benefit of a free and clearer digestive track, and on the other, you lose weight now that your body is able to process food more efficiently. Now when you consume healthier meals, you body will be able to absorb from it the nutrients that it requires and you'll feel more energized in the process.

Corey Foster is the founder of Bowtrol Reviews web site which offers advice, tips, and general information about natural colon cleansing. To read her latest in-depth Bowtrol Colon Cleanser review, click here: Bowtrol Colon Cleanser.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Corey_Foster

Weight Loss - Healthy Diet and Life Style

        Weight loss is the number one challenge for a person who wants change in their lives. Well, believe it or not, only healthy diet and life style can bring you to an extraordinary level that you have always been wanting.

Being healthy and staying that way is not as hard as you think. If you are having a bad time seeing all those models with perfectly shaped body while all you see when you look at yourself in the mirror is a body full of fats, then, this is the best time to stop belittling yourself and instead, do something for you to achieve weight loss successfully. All those dramas and self-pitying will bring you no good because as far as weight loss is concerned, life style and healthy diet remains to be the most important factors that you need to consider.

As everyone knows it, regular exercise is an essential factor in order to burn fats to achieve weight loss. Sitting or lying down for a long period of time will never help. Try to stretch and train those lazy bones. You can go jogging every morning, hit the gym, attend yoga or meditation classes, have a bicycle trip with your friends or family or if these are all too much for you, even one hour of walking in your neighborhood can already be a big help. If you want to achieve weight loss, it is also important for you to stay away from stress and get sufficient sleep every night, at least 7 to 8 hours will do.

Of course, following a healthy diet is the most vital out of all methods for a successful weight loss. As much as possible, you must try to consume organic foods that contain natural essential nutrients. Eating whatever comes your way is not advisable, as there is a big chance that these unhealthy foods will form toxins within your system. These toxins will then be stored as fats, which will make your problem worse.

The best thing that you can do is to have a healthy diet by eating fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid those junk foods. Vegetables and fruits have high content of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins which can help lower the cholesterol in your body, thus helping in your weight loss goal.
Losing weight is not that difficult as all it takes is to have self-discipline by leading a healthy diet and lifestyle.
I've tried and tried everything out there to lose weight, and yet no weight lost. Until I found this secret diet and allowed me lose 30 pounds. Grab this FREE Secret Diet to learn the exact method I used. http://www.outstripweightloss.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jackson_Loh

Weight Gain Foods - 5 Dangerous Foods And How To Make Them Healthy

       I am a firm believer that knowing what you shouldn't be doing is every bit as important as knowing what to do. The same rule applies to food. If you know which weight gain foods to stay away from, you are far less likely to hamper your own progress by indulging in them. I have here for you, 10 foods that you need to stay clear of and tips on how to make them a bit more health-friendly.

1. Salad Dressing - Many people believe that simply because they are eating a salad, that they are being healthy. This couldn't be further from the truth. Dressings are often packed full of unhealthy calories: This is especially the case with fat-free versions that often replace the fats with sugars. If you want to be sure that your dressing isn't ruining your physique, stick to the following: Olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette.

2. Pasta - If you went back in time a couple of hundred years, pasta would not be one of the weight gain foods on this list. These days pasta is devoid of nutrients and is very high on the glycemic index. Pasta in its true form however, is packed with fibre, vitamin B and other nutrients, such as selenium. Next time you buy pasta, stick to the pastas that are made from brown rice, whole wheat or spelt.

3. Peanut Butter - Peanut better is an excellent food for many reasons. It burns fat, raises testosterone, regulates blood sugar levels and even stimulates growth hormone. However, most on the shelf these days do not perform this well. When selecting a peanut butter, be sure to choose one that does not contain hydrogenated oil and also stay clear of the low-fat choices, as these contain sugars in place of the fats.

4. Take Away Salads - One of the worst mistakes that health-conscious people make when dining out is to pick a salad that is packed with calories and unneeded fats. The Caesar salad is the perfect example of this: It is adorned with croutons (simple sugars), bacon (fats), cheese (fats) and calorie-packed dressings. When selecting a salad, pick the one that has the most vegetables, most 'lean' meat and the lightest dressing possible.

5. Pizza - This one is a no-brainer. However, it is possible to make your pizza much healthier than what you have most likely been accustomed to. First of all, forget about selecting thick or cheese crusts. Second of all, forget about the fatty meats, such as sausage or pepperoni. A healthy pizza would include lean meats such as salmon and healthy toppings, such as spinach and tomato.
Most of these weight gain foods you probably already knew to stay away from. However, now you can enjoy all of the above foods whenever you want, as long as you stick to healthy ingredients. Always remember to take note of the primary ingredient and remember that calories can add up fast if you're not careful.
John Stamford is a personal trainer, nutritionist and an expert in everything relating to fat loss. Visit John's website in order to discover "One Tip That May Be Preventing You From Losing Fat", plus much more at:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Stamford

Cut Up Your Cardio for Increased Fat Burning

      Straight Single Sessions of Cardio Might Not Be the Best Way After All

Awesome, we now have proof that shorter bouts of cardio are best for fat burning, as per the Journal of Clinical and Physiological Functioning Imaging!

How often do you do or do you see others doing endless cardio sessions on the bike, stepper or treadmill, day after day, week after week, maybe even month after month, if they stick around long enough, with little to no change in the way they look? Come on now, we see it all the time, in gym after gym all around the world. Something is obviously not working right?

Well good news, there may in fact be a solution to those cardio blues so many, maybe even you, have been facing for years. It might be time to split that cardio session up! And no, before you get all crazy about your lack of time, I'm not suggesting a morning and night type of split. This is something far more suitable for almost anyone!

Previous research out of the University of Tokyo had shown that splitting your cardio session in two, with as little as a 20 minute break in between, actually burned more fat than a single session with no break. The scientists performing that study had subjects either cycle for 60 minutes straight, or cycle for 30 minutes, rest for 20 minutes and then complete their workout with another 30 minute cycle session. The group with the split session actually burned more fat upon completion of their training.

Now, even better yet, this new study by the JCPFI, shows that even shorter bouts of cardiovascular exercise, as little as 10 minutes in fact, has greater impact on fat oxidation, not only during exercise, but more importantly, post-exercise as well. In addition to the fat burning benefit, the study showed lower lactate levels during the shorter exercise bouts, meaning less fatigue! Who could ask for better news?

This is pretty exciting news, especially for someone like myself that dreads the long, boring cardio session!
So, how do you implement this for the best results? How about something simple like a 10-15 minute moderate cardio session to start your workout, followed by some ab, arm or calf work (small muscle groups only), before finishing your workout off with a 10-15 minute high intensity interval cardio session? Or how about starting your morning off with 10 minutes of jumping rope and another 10 minutes of cardio in the afternoon or following your resistance training session if you are working out?

As you can see, there truly are countless options for implementation! The key is simply putting it to work within your lifestyle and schedule. No matter what that looks like, it's very likely you can find the time it takes to ramp up your fat burning with these new findings!
Another real beauty to this research, you can use these short bouts with almost any form of cardiovascular exercise! If you are just beginning your training regiment however, I would strongly suggest you start out with shorter, less intense forms of cardio!
For more information please visit our website at http://www.TeamHealthyFit.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_T_Watson

Getting Fit Can Be Easy By Following These Tips

"Fitness" isn't some unattainable goal on a pedestal. It's not something you get around to doing someday. Luckily, you don't need to get chaotic to get more fit in your life. Just go out and get to it and remember what you have read here.

Don't let your age get in the way of your decision to pursue a gym membership. Fitness centers are not just for the young. Many gyms appreciate older members. A membership representative can tell you about classes that are offered for older people. As you get in shape, you will feel more confident about exercising along with young adults.Be sure to cool down following a workout. Lactic acids build up in your muscles. Try a good massage after a workout. Massages can work wonders to help tired muscles recover from grueling workouts. Of course, there's also no better reward than a nice massage.
When trying on shoes for working out, go shopping in the evening. Throughout the day your feet may become swollen from standing and working; trying on shoes in the evening ensures that you do not buy shoes that are too small.

For those looking to increase their strength, an excellent tip is to lift lower weights at a much more rapid speed. This causes your muscles to use more force than lifting heavier weights. Determine your maximum weight limit and use weights half that number.

If boosting quickness and stamina is important to you, follow the path of Kenyan athletes. In Kenya, they start slow for the first third of their run. Your pace should become quicker toward the middle of your run. During that middle third, start running at normal pace. Then, as you approach the last leg of your run, you should reach your fastest pace. Doing this regularly will help you build stamina and increase your endurance the next time you run.

A great fitness tip is to start doing dips. If you want an incredible work out for your shoulders, triceps and chest muscles, then dips are for you. There are a lot of of ways to do them correctly. Try doing some dips by placing two objects together. To increase the effectiveness of your routine, add weights when doing your dips.

Invite friends to join on your fitness plan. Working out with a partner may help you become more interested and motivated. Having a workout partner helps fuel our competitiveness. Because of this, you will probably push harder through your workouts. As a result, you'll achieve your goals even faster.
Plan your workouts on a regular, frequent schedule. At least twice a week you should workout, but try to fit in at least 3 or 4 days. Your routines don't need to take a long time. Fifteen minutes most days will be enough. You should workout no more than an hour, at the most. The key is to workout properly on a routine basis, rather than to work out excessively.

The advice you have read here can help you get started on your fitness journey. You may have already formed a workable fitness routine, but adding some of these ideas might improve your results or change up your regimen a little. Getting fit is a journey in which you will find new other paths to take.
Visit http://www.wellnessbounty.com/ for more interesting articles and posts about health, nutrition and simple ways to live a healthier fuller life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Petri

4 Hula Hoop Exercises For Beginners!

4 Hula Hoop Exercise Tips For Beginners!

         If you're interested in attacking stubborn belly fat and strengthening your abs then you want to try some hula hoop exercises. I have provided a beginner guide to get you started!

Tip #1 - Always warm up
Warming up helps reduce the risk of injury and aches and pains that can come with exercise. Here's a few ways you can warm up with the hula hoop.
- Stand inside the hula hoop and swing your hips side to side. Keep going for about a minute then swing your hips forward and back for another minute. Once you've done that try drawing big circles around the hula hoop with your hips, making sure to go both directions. Repeat the full sequence.
- Stand inside the hula hoop and hold the hoop with both hands either side of your body. The hula hoop should be on a flat plane. Slowly raise the hula hoop up above your head then down to your hips, start turning in circles as you do this, moving your legs will start to raise your heart rate.
- A simple way to warm up is to dance inside the hoop put on your favourite music and move your body to the beat, once you feel warm then you can start your workout!

Tip #2 - Once you can waist hoop speed it up
A really effective way to blast belly fat is to do super fast power hooping. To power hoop you need to begin at your normal rhythm. Once you are confident with that try to gently increase the speed, once you achieve that, increase the speed again, keep doing that until the hoop is a blur around you.. that's how fast it should be going! Be aware of your abs, all the power should be coming from your core not from your hips.

Tip #3 - Your feet are NOT glued to the floor!
So you can hula hoop standing still and you can power hoop. Now what you want to do is start moving and using the space around you. The first thing I suggest is learning how to turn in a circle while hooping, this isn't hard to do just remember to keep movement going with your core while you're turning, don't be afraid to lift your feet off the ground, they may feel glued to the floor but they're not, who cares if the hoop falls (bending down to pick it up is a great workout for the legs) and TURN IN THE SAME DIRECTION YOUR HOOP IS SPINNING. Once you have mastered that try walking forward and then backwards, adding more steps the more confident you become. Then you can try stepping side to side. Keep practicing, you might not be able to do it all first time but with a little practice you'll be walking around while hooping in no time!

Tip #4 - All You Need Is 10 Minutes A Day!
Yes, just 10 minutes a day is enough to notice a difference! Especially if you follow the tips I have given you. If you can do 10 minutes 3 times a day then you will be on your way to the amazing beach body we all dream of! You could do 10 minutes when you get up in the morning, 10 minutes before dinner and 10 minutes before bed, or do 30 minutes all at once. Either way by doing so you will be greatly improving your cadiovascular indurance, your muscle mass and shrinking your waistline.
Stay positive while learning how to hula hoop, it may be frustrating at first if you're struggling to keep the hoop spinning but you might find that your hula hoop is the wrong size for your body or the movement isn't quite right. Either way with some simple tweaks you CAN have success.
Make sure you sign up for my FREE 4 WEEK VIDEO COURSE on HOW TO HULA HOOP TO DROP A DRESS SIZE! http://www.awesomehulahoopworkout.com
If you like this article please comment below.
But Until next time..
Happy Hooping!
Carly has been teaching hula hoop fitness and hoop dance since 2008 and has helped thousands of women to achieve their fitness goals through her fun and effective workouts.
Check out a free 10 minute workout here >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3xcNPLp9rs
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carly_M_Dawson

The Importance of Cardio Training for Your Health and How Exercise Machines Keep You in Top Shape

      Studies carried for decades by organizations focused on cardiovascular health have shown that there is a strong link between a healthy heart and physical activity. However, for people over 30 years of age, especially women, frequenting a gym on a regular basis is not too convenient, as it can eat up a lot of time that must be used for taking care of the kids, work and household chores.

An exercise machine can be a great replacement for going to the gym, and cardio training workouts can be organized at home, instead of a gym. Women that care about cardiovascular fitness can purchase their own cardio equipment and start training at home, in order to stay physically fit.
There are many effective and efficient cardio exercises one can do. In this article, we discuss 3 cardio exercises that will enable you to have effective results.

(1) Cardio workouts with exercise bikes
There are many exercise machines that can help you strengthen your muscles and improve the health of your cardiovascular system. As indicated by studies carried by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Heart Association (AHA), individuals that are physically fit are much less likely to develop coronary heart disease. Furthermore, even if this condition occurs, it does so later in life and it is noticeably less severe.
Exercise bikes allow you all the cardio workouts you need, and the best thing is that you do not have to leave your home in order to carry out your cardio workout exercises.

(2) Cardio exercises at home with rowing machines
Another exercise machine that can help you fight efficiently against cardiovascular condition is a rowing machine.
This indoor exercise machine will provide you with the means to carry on with your cardio training workouts without having to abandon your family and their needs to go to the gym.
It is not only your cardiovascular health that is at stake here. Other conditions, such as hypertension, osteoporosis and colon cancer are effectively prevented by cardio workout exercises.
Even patients that have suffered a heart attack can benefit from cardio workouts, as long as they are monitored by their doctors, and their death rate is lowered with about 25%.

(3) Cardiovascular fitness with jump ropes
If exercise machines are not exactly your thing, you can always consider a jump rope as the only cardio equipment you need.
You can execute various cardio exercises at home, using nothing but a jump rope.
You may have heard that you need at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular fitness each day in order to protect your heart. However, you may feel daunted to jump the rope or execute other types of cardio workouts for half an hour without interruptions.
Specialists in health care advise to exercise for 30 minutes daily, but not necessarily at one time only. Accumulated 30 minutes of cardio exercises at home in short bouts of physical activity offer the same benefits as strenuous exercises.
It is more recommended to try this type of cardiovascular routine, especially if you are not an athlete, you are interested in maintaining your health and you do not focus on obtaining performance.
Always remember that if you have any serious health issues or concerns, ask your doctor for personalized advices on what types of strength training is best for you.

Note: the content of this article is provided for educational purposes only, and is not to be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always as your doctor first for what is best for your particular condition.
Start exercising at home today! To get more information about the right fitness equipment for your particular needs as well as health and fitness knowledge, visit us at https://www.peFitnessPro.com. Follow us on Twitter @PEFitnessPro and find us on Facebook #PEFitnessPro for additional daily information on exercising from home and specials.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patrick_J_Perrin

Great Benefits of Cardiovascular Fitness Training

      One of the most important keys to fitness is a strong heart and vascular system. The best way to achieve health gains in these systems is cardiovascular respiratory exercise also called aerobic exercise, cardiovascular exercise or simply cardiovascular. We will discuss the benefits of cardiovascular and several great ways to perform it.

There are countless health benefits to regular aerobic exercise. First, it strengthens the heart and circulatory system leading to reductions in heart related diseases and stroke and is a recommended for therapy for heart attack sufferers. Cardiovascular lowers resting heart rates; helps the heart pump additional blood more efficiently, delivering more nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and organs, increases the capillaries and expands the elasticity of arterial passages. This helps feed our bodies and allows quicker recovery from strenuous activity.

Cardiovascular lowers levels of bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein and can raise levels of good cholesterol or high density lipoprotein. It reduces the risk of blood clots, helps build bone density reducing the risk of osteoporosis and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. There's also weight reduction, suppression of appetite, calorie burning and a reduction of stress. It helps with joint health and arthritis and reduces the risk of many cancers and diabetes.

Cardiovascular offers benefits to sexual performance too, strengthening the heart which translates to more stamina in the bedroom. It also increases blood circulation which benefits both men and women's sexual organs, improving performance and sensitivity and can even improve erectile dysfunction. It enhances mood, energy and muscle tone enriching the overall look of your body and who doesn't want that?

Cardiovascular exercises include: walking, jogging, rowing, swimming and cycling or to keep things interesting try soccer, basketball or water polo. Always warm up and stretch to ensure protection from injury. It's recommended that you engage in some kind of aerobic exercise that increases pulse and breathing rate for at least 15 to 20 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week up to as much as 60 minutes or more for those in better shape.

Pursuing information on cardiovascular you may hear information on fat burning zones and Volume O2 Maximum. There are many conflicting views on these subjects. The fat burning zone is supposedly where you burn more calories by doing lower intensity aerobics than you would at higher intensities. Here are the facts; the body will burn 50% of its calories from fat at lower intensities while only 35% at higher intensity but you will burn more total calories exercising at higher intensity, to keep it simple, don't worry about it! If you are going for fat loss and calorie burning, raising your metabolism is your best bet. Lifting weights will burn more calories, even when you are not in the act of working out than cardiovascular, however both do entirely different things for the body, working in concert with each other. Both burn fat and calories but cardiovascular also builds a stronger heart and vascular system which feeds oxygen to the muscles making them work more efficiently. Note: cardiovascular will actually eventually slow your metabolic rate, burning fewer calories as your body adapts to it. Therefore it's essential to vary your workouts to maximize your fat burning results.

Volume O2 maximum refers to fitness measurement, calculating the volume of oxygen your body consumes as you exercise at maximum levels. This is important for endurance athletes but not so much for beginners. That being said the higher your Volume O2 Maximum the more efficiently you process oxygen to your muscles and the harder you can go at higher intensities. To increase Volume O2 Maximum workout at levels that raises heart rates to between 65 and 85% of your maximum for at least 30 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week.
To keep your cardiovascular workouts varied and fun take them outside but be careful about temperatures, here are a few essential tips. Always drink plenty of fluids before, after and if you're running distance, during your workout. In extreme heat the skin undergoes vasodilation to keep you cool; this decreases blood flow, raising your heart rate. This can lead to heat related injuries especially in high humidity so be sure to wear cool clothing. In cold weather warm up inside, wear layers of warm, sweat wicking clothes and cover head, hands, face and feet to keep warm.

Finally, make sure shoes are comfortable to prevent injury to feet, knees and back, the last thing you want is to suffer an injury that could have been easily avoided with the right gear and be sure to consult a fitness pro to ensure you're getting the most out of your exercise. Have fun!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_J_Washington

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