Can You Really Burn Fat While You Nap?

Many folks are not aware that their body is adapted to burn fat while at rest. The body does so naturally, 24 hours everyday. In fact, you will be surprised that your fat burning process occurs when you are resting. However, this depends on factors such as the frequency and intensity of physical activities you do during the day. So, is sleep really the best way to lose belly fat? Let me clarify this point further to clear the air. Sleeping alone is not the best way to lose fat and gain muscle.
Fat metabolism
The body normally stores excess fat as reserve energy. Nonetheless, after you finish supper, your body is burning off what you had for dinner. It is therefore prudent to avoid eating a snack in the evening because the calories will be gone amazingly fast, and at this point your body will instantly start utilizing the stored energy.
Simply put, after about 8 hours after you have dinner, all calories consumed from your meal are utilized up. This means that this is the prime time for your body to break down fat from its reserve and start metabolism. The process of metabolism is therefore the best way to burn fat while sleeping.
Harmfulness of evening snacks
Enjoying after-dinner snacks like ice cream is not the best way to lose fat as it interrupts the fat burning process. When you are unable to avoid snacking after dinner, then you may have a health problem or simply you just have a bad habit you need to overcome. The best way to burn belly fat is to allow the body to metabolize fat naturally a few hours in the evening. This is the best way to burn fat stress-free.
Is it natural to burn fat while you sleep?
Although it is natural to burn fat while you sleep, some people cannot lose fat while they sleep. The body has it own limits and for people who have conditions such as diabetes or hormonal imbalance, metabolism occurs at a much slower rate. You can check online tips for losing weight for more information on the topic. The good thing about most of the factors that hinder fat metabolism is that they can be avoided and done away with altogether. In other words, your body is supposed to get rid of excess fat naturally, so changing your lifestyle is the best way to stay on track.
Speeding up metabolism
Exercise is not always the best way to burn fat for your information. What does this really mean? Well, when your eat breakfast 10 hours after dinner, your fat burning system is up and running. This is why most people burn fat naturally while they sleep. The only explanation of how you can burn fat naturally while you rest or sleep never shuns the benefit of getting ample sleep. Ample rest and releasing stress are additional dynamics that influence your fat burning process. In a nutshell, the best way to burn fat while you sleep is to ensure you have breakfast 12 hours after dinner.
Don't miss a FREE Best Way To Burn Fat report packed with various powerful strategies for losing stomach fat and revealing your six pack at Insider Secrets For A Lean Body.

Free List of Fat Burning Foods

This free list of fat burning foods will help you make the right choices to burn off more fat than you ingest by eating them. The fat burning secret to losing weight is to eat and drink until you are full and satisfied, choosing foods that burn more calories than you consume. This helps your body burn up the excessive stored fat.
This free list of fat burning foods contains mostly fruit and vegetables and if you compare it to other lists you will notice a definite trend. If you eat these fat burning foods and add a good exercise workout program to it you will increase your metabolism and burn calories at a faster rate even several hours after your exercise is done.









Brussels sprouts 


















green beans  

























red cabbage






string beans





A recent report from Michael Zemel, Professor of Nutrition and Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville reports, "If you compare a dairy-rich versus a dairy-poor diet you can nearly double the rate of weight and fat loss with the same level of calorie restriction." It states that the calcium in dairy products can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. Therefore, dairy products could be termed as fat burning foods. These include milk, cheese and yogurt and might be considered a fat burning secret.
The best way to approach fat burning food is to start by implementing a sensible eating plan with the help of this free list of fat burning foods and begin an exercise workout program that you enjoy and will stick with.
Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.
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Four Foods That Burn Fat And Build Muscle For A Better Body

There are many fat burning foods but some are better than others. All of them, however, are great choices if you are starting a lose fat gain muscle program. When you want to gain muscle to get stronger or just look a little more buff, you must concentrate your nutrition on foods that will work with you, not against you. The following foods will do just that.
Fruits To Take Off Fat
When it comes to fat burning foods, citrus fruits are on top of the list. They are vitamin rich and they are natural. You need not worry about processing because, especially if you buy organic fruit, they are as nature made them. You have a choice of many different fruits for your lose fat gain muscle program. Grapefruit is excellent for burning fat. Some people don't care for the bitter taste of some grapefruit. For them, oranges and tangerines may be the fruits more to their taste. You can substitute juice for the fruit. For instance, if you have a salad, instead the fattening salad dressing, lime juice can be a great choice.
Vegetables Add Fiber And Vitamins As They Take Off Fat
With vegetables you have just as much variety as you do with fruits. You can eat them cooked or even better, raw. When you do cook them, steam them for a few minutes to the point where there is still a little crunch to them. You can also stir fry them in olive or soybean oil. The deeply green vegetables are loaded with iron and minerals. Peas, green beans, broccoli and spinach are low on calories as well as carbohydrates. They only add good nutrition to your lose fat gain muscle plan.
Oats And Beans Are Great Complex Carbs
Grains are necessary in your food pyramid of daily meals. Fat burning foods will give you vitamins and minerals and work to provide you with energy. Yet, they are low on calories have the ability to release energy slowly, rather than in one flash. Oats and whole grains fulfill the role of fat burners beautifully. Beans have some carbohydrate content but their reputation lies in their protein content. Beans will build muscle while keeping hunger away from you.
Low Fat, Low Calorie Meat Builds Muscle
To conserve calories and keep fat at a minimum, poultry is probably the best kind of meat to eat. It has all the vitamins and minerals, and all the protein to be superb providers for the building blocks of muscle fibers. Meat does have some cholesterol but if you don't eat meat excessively, it is excellent nourishment for your work toward a better body.
Sereyvorn Keng is a health consultant, fitness enthusiast and a proven expert in muscle building. He used to be that skinny-kid before transforming his mind and body, through solid weight training and proper nutrition.
Check out his health & fitness website to learn more about physique development and learn everything about muscle building website. Here you'll discover what it takes to getting amazing fitness results and learn everything about building quality muscle mass.

Burn Fat and Build Muscle - Big Fat Myth or a Sexy Reality

Can you really burn fat and build muscle at the same time?
The question of whether you can do both simultaneously has been a debate now for quite some time.
So can you actually do both at the same time?
The answer is yes and no.
Yes, you can do each one at the same time. The thing is, if you are using a fat loss exercise routine and a fat loss diet, you will not be able to add a lot of muscle.
This is not to say that more muscle is not an extremely important aspect of trying to burn fat.
The more muscle you have, the more fat your body will burn during exercise and for hours afterwards as well. Most people think that having more muscle will make them get big and bulky, but this simply is not the case.
To illustrate this point about getting big and bulky, lets take a look at bodybuilders. Bodybuilders are known because they have huge muscles and a very small amount of body fat.
So how do the bodybuilders burn fat and build muscle?
The answer is that they do it in phases. In the exercise world, this is called periodization.
When bodybuilders build muscle, their exercise routine and their diet are drastically different then when they are in the phase of losing fat. For several months, they will build muscle by doing split body part routines and lifting heavy weight with low reps.
Then, they will completely change their diet and exercise program when then shift from trying to build muscle to trying to lose fat.
So how does this apply to you? I want you to see that these bodybuilders build big muscles because they have a training phase specifically for doing so.
If you are a novice exerciser, you will not perform this same phase of exercise to burn fat. Instead, you will do an exercise routine that will be more conducive to helping you get fit and build a small amount of muscle at the same time.
A great way to do this is to try doing some total body strength training combined with cardio.
Total body strength training will help to build enough muscle necessary to increase your metabolism and help you to burn fat. If you do the right type of cardio (high intensity interval training) as part of this program, you will on your way to being successful with burning fat and building muscle!
As you can expect, your diet plays a big role in being able to burn fat and build muscle. Try eating high quality protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats in small meals 4-6 times per day. This will help you make progress because it will keep your blood sugar regulated and help to control your appetite.
So in conclusion, I hope you now understand more about trying to burn fat and build muscle. You can see that it is possible, but if you are on a fat loss exercise and diet program, you will not gain large amounts of muscle such as (for example) a bodybuilder.
Good luck =)
For more information, visit [] to learn about the biggest myths about nutrition, cardio, strength training, and more.

Burn Fat and Build Muscles

There are approximately up to millions of people constantly searching for ways to lose weight, burn excess fat and beautify themselves. Apparently if well-known bodybuilders were to compare their body fat percentage with normal athletes, their body fat percentage could be ludicrously low as they have more muscles instead of fat. But of course, not everyone would dream to have the figure of a professional bodybuilder.
Speaking of this, most people are being misled about muscle, especially the thought that muscles are heavier than fats. Basically the weight of muscle is equivalent to that of fat; only the volume makes the difference. Fat takes up more space than muscles thus making one appear at a larger size per pound. But does building muscle helps on burning fat?
You see, measured by per square inch, the muscle literally burns more calories compared to skin or fat. However, you would be amazed to learn that per square inch, it is your internal important organs such as the heart, liver and lungs that are burning the most calories.
The burning of calories will increase as you get fatter and gain more weight therefore obese people actually have higher metabolism rates. But it is rather amusing that oversized individuals find it more difficult to lose or maintain their weight compared to the others.
If you aim to increase your metabolic mechanism and have your body burning more fats every day, the best way is to gain weight and turn into an obese. But of course, this is not possibly the target for most people. So basically, the perfect method to lose weight and have better figure is to practice constant exercise.
Perhaps you may want to lift weights to build up muscles besides enhancing your metabolism rate. But never neglect the very important cardiovascular exercises. As much as muscles can burn your body fat, cardio is definitely the more beneficial contributor.
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Burn Fat - Build Muscle

Finding a suitable exercise program for your fitness goals will depend on your body weight and type, your genetic makeup and it must be a workout that you will do on a continuous basis.
Most fitness beginners are suffering from inactive lifestyles and poor eating habits, causing a downward unhealthy trend that can result in always being overweight and possibly being burdened with chronic diseases if a change isn't made beforehand.
Taking action is the most important part, so getting motivated to exercise is one of the biggest barriers facing those that truly want to get on the road to looking and feeling good.
Fact is, once you begin a workout program, it should be hard, and intense, in order to reap all the benefits of a structured workout regimen. This intensity will not only help your metabolism but will have fatburning and muscle building effects for a period after you've finished your routine. Research has proven harder is better for these results.
If you are overweight, you want to burn as much fat as possible in the beginning with vigorous aerobics, jogging, bike riding, jumping jacks and any of the other cardio type exercises, otherwise your building muscle under fat.
You also must include strength training into your fatburning workout and as you lose weight, you will slide the scale up to include more strength and muscle building exercises while reducing the cardio on your normal workout day.
A good idea is to try and do at least 15 minutes of stimulating cardio on the off days to maintain burning more calories than your taking in.
The intense non-stop muscle building routines will also have a fatburning effect.
Of course, if your not eating right and eliminating all bad eating habits, it will be a never ending struggle to truly get fit.
Well after 35 years of fitness conditioning and 15 years of using a workout system that I developed after a near death experience involving free weights, I've decided to produce and offer the same device and all the tools necessary to get into excellent shape now and into your retirement years.
Read Bench Press Horror:
The WorkoutBandit will enable you to finally have a structured workout routine that is guaranteed to burn fat and tone and build muscle with proven results for maintaining a proper fitness program that will control weight and enable you to get into the best condition ever.
I'm no Arnold, but I have a better physique than most people half my age and I only workout three days a week for forty five minutes. I'm a healthy 52 years old.
Fortunately, I began fitness training at a young age and was only trying to look like I didn't need to workout. I never had the desire to spend so much time to get really ripped. So the early good results motivated me to make it an important part of my life.
I also was lucky to to be a Chicago Health Club (Bally's) member in 1973 when the Nautilus resistance equipment came on the scene. The accurate intense movement is the key for any body sculpting success.
This effective resistance equipment inspired me to design a program and device after the horrible experience I had with a 175lb. bar bell. I haven't used weights since.
At the time I simply didn't have the desire or the space for an expensive bulky contraption, so I used my fabricating skills from my body shop experience to duplicate what these machines offered.
Keep in mind, that any kind of exercise on a regular basis will have benefits but an intense full body workout done properly and regularly will transform you into a pillar of strength and well-being and give you a uniformed attractive physique.
For maximum results, you need to raise the bar and workout 5 to 6 days a week for 45 to 60 minutes. ( You will get quite ripped )
Being able to accurately strengthen and sculpted each major muscle group is essential to a contoured physique. Even if your genetics have not blessed you, you can still get into the best healthy physical condition possible.
Gimmicks run amok when it comes to exercise equipment, weightloss supplements and every diet imaginable. Fact is, many actually work, but nothing will work if your not able or willing to work hard to reach your fitness goals, it simply won't happen, especially if you are already overweight or obese.
But, if you have had enough and are serious, everyone can benefit with a structured guided fitness program that allows you to easily and quickly rotate between the muscle groups.
I have no fancy trainer or nutrition certificates, just years of trial and error and was taught by the best teacher, experience.
If your tired of how you look and feel, WorkoutBandit has saved the day for me and can do the same for anyone, whether your trying to lose weight, build muscle and strength, get tone or enhance your athletic abilities.
This is a true full body program with dozens of exercises for all the muscle groups so you don't have to worry about getting bored.
This isn't just for men. Women, teens, athletes, physical therapy and seniors can all benefit from this versatile, simple fitness training plan.
If your not into a truly hard workout, the WorkoutBandit can accommodate any resistance type level you are willing to pursuit.
Bottom line is, you will regret it in your later years if you don't apply some sort of strength training or physical activity on a regular basis.
Please visit [] for all of your fitness and diet needs and don't forget to look into [] for a simple, effective fat burning, bodybuilding program with 15 years of usage to back it up.

What To Eat To Gain Muscle, Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle Mass

Do you obsess about what to eat to gain muscle? Usually when I tell people that they can relax and stop worrying so much about what they are eating, I get confused looks. Here is the thing, probably the biggest fitness industry money makers is in telling people what to eat in order to market super solutions suggest you will gain muscle fast. Unfortunately building muscle mass quickly is not really about what you eat but in how you workout the muscles. Food simply is not as critical to build muscle as the fitness magazines would like you to think.
How much you eat, can certainly have ramifications on your body fat percentage, but diet is more about fat weight than actually gaining muscle. By focusing on what to eat to gain muscle you are just making yourself miserable.
Keep in mind that we are speaking of gaining lean muscle mass not overall body mass which includes fat. If you just want have a bigger body, then go ahead and eat until the cows come home... just consume tons calories. But it will be fat weight that you gain, and I don't think that is really what you desire. Most people are trying to build an athletic muscular body with a sexy six pack.
It is often difficult to change people's conception of the fitness magazine ads along with their hype concerning muscle gain. They always seem to be talking about what to eat to gain muscle and how often to eat- this is mostly to sell you stuff (proof of this is that the fitness magazines often are owners of the powder and supplement companies that they are marketing to you).
The reality is that you must eat as few calories as possible if you want to be lean. There is a particular amount of calories that is naturally required by your body when it is at rest (Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR). When you do work, like bench press weight training or running, your body burns a few more calories. You might burn 150-200 calories when you run a mile, depending on your lean muscle mass and how fast you are running. If you eat just the BMR calories plus the exercise calories you will keep the current level of your body fat. Therefore to lean out and lose weight you must lessen your calorie intake.
Muscle mass does need some protein to grow efficiently, but not an excessive amount. You will probably be getting enough if you just eat a tiny bit of protein, like meats, eggs, or dairy products, each time you eat.
Although when you eat may have some affect, I don't advise eating six small meals a day like you often hear in the bodybuilding mags. I see it this way: You are fighting against estimating estimates. This is because the number of calories printed on the bags and cans of food are only estimates. Your BMR and work calories burned are just estimates. Now, if you over estimate by as little as 75 calories (which is very easy to do- for instance that is only one tablespoon of hummus) at each of the six meals then you are nearly 500 calories over what you need and that all turns to fat. A weeks worth of this and you would gain about a pound of fat!!
Try working out in a fasted state- so before you eat breakfast. This will cause human growth hormone to increase and help to burn off any extra body fat. If you wait to eat for about 30 minutes after, the body will burn up any free fatty acids released durning your workout. It is critical that you only eat a normal size meal and then go on with your day.
Work your muscle to hypertrophy and try not to worry so much about what to eat to gain muscle. If you want more information on diet or how to build muscle just visit me at

Burn Fat Build Muscle - 4 Tips To Get You Doing Both Efficiently

Burn fat build muscle can become a mantra to those of us that seriously work out on a regular basis. The whole aim of working out is to keep yourself in good condition, which means reducing the fat you are carrying and building muscle to make yourself stronger. Many people still don't understand the fundamental principles, so read on to find out how to burn fat and build muscle.
Tip 1
Do lots of cardio. You'll never burn fat build muscle without it. If you have a regular lifting routine, the chances are you eat far more than a regular person. That's okay, it's all good fuel to help those muscles grow back bigger and stronger, but if you want to be big AND defined, you'll need to do a lot of cardio to burn off the excess carbs and fat. Running or skipping are popular methods to do this.
Tip 2
A great tip to help you burn fat/build muscle while you work out is to vary the amounts of weight you lift - true, to get truly good gains and build muscle, you need to lift as much as you can without straining yourself, but did you know lightening things up a little, say once a week, will help you burn calories by exercising other areas of the muscle? Lighter weights and lots of reps is a huge calorie burner, and will give you a more sculpted look to the muscle.
Tip 3
Another great way to burn fat - build muscle at the same time is to get into some kind of circuit training. It's not a service offered at all gyms or health centers, but if you can find it, get involved. Imagine a running track with weight lifting equipment in the middle. You run, and then you lift, then you run, then you lift. You get the picture. There are no breaks, you do a lap, then you lift, then you do another lap. It's HUGELY tiring, but burn fat/build muscle soon become the same thing, and will probably get you into the best shape of your life.
Tip 4
The last tip is fundamental for many people, but it's surprising how many serious workout fanatics just ignore the idea of watching what they eat. You don't have to eat like a supermodel, but if you are careful about the way your daily intake is made up, you can see significant reductions in fat and an increase in muscle mass without ever changing your workout. Burn fat + Build muscle = less work -who doesn't want more gains without more work?
There's more to getting the perfect body than just blindly lifting weights, so hopefully this guide will help you to burn fat and build muscle. Click the links below for more advice, and good luck!
CLICK HERE to get your free review of the best workout plans - they'll have you ripped and with single digit body fat in no time - it's right here, and it's fast and easy
CLICK HERE for the best resources on the net for teaching how to burn fat right off your body- Not only that but you'll also learn how to get more gains in less time and what foods are REALLY good for building muscle
Brian Waters is webmaster at

Can You Really Build Muscle and Burn Fat At The Same Time?

Can you really build muscle and burn fat at the same time? Or is that
just reserved for the drug boys and girls? I know, I know, all those
amazing before and after pics in the ads, right? But how real are they?
In a study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 
(58:561-565), "Muscle Hypertrophy With Large Scale Weight Loss and Resistance Training," subjects took off fat while gaining muscle.
Fourteen women followed an 800 calorie, high protein diet (80 grams of
protein, 97 grams of carbs and 10 grams of fat) - with seven of the women
lifting weights for 30 to 40 minutes three days a week and the other
seven women simply following the diet without exercise.
The study lasted for 90 days and the workout consisted of bench presses,
pulldowns, military presses, pullovers, curls, tricep extensions, knee
extensions, and knee flexion.
The two groups lost the same amount of weight - approximately 33 pounds.
The lifting group, however, actually increased muscle mass by 21 to 27
percent, while the non-lifting group lost muscle, along with fat.
"These results indicate that weight training can elicit muscle fiber
hypertrophy during periods of severe energy restriction," said the researchers.
"Strength declined in the sedentary group during the weight reduction but
increased in the weight-trained group."
The key to successful weight loss is weigh training - not walking, or any
other low intensity cardio program - and a high protein diet. In the study,
40 percent of calories came from protein, as opposed to most fat loss
diets that call for only 15 to 20 percent protein.
Now, let's get a few things straight. This is not an endorsement of severe
calorie restriction. Even if you get results initially, eventually your body
will rebel with a lower metabolism, muscle loss and fat gain.
However, it does show you that when you properly apply the fundamentals of
proper weight training and nutrition, you can build muscle while you burn fat,
and completely reshape your body.
If you really want to ramp up your results so you can dramtically transform
your body and do it fast, consider adding high intensity interval training,
or what I call power cardio, to your weight training program.
This type of training, along with intense weight training, is one of the best
things you can do to build power, muscle mass, speed, strength, endurance, and
lose fat! Proper power cardio can give you the best of all worlds.
A brief explanation of this training is that you do just that - train in
intervals, by alternating a brief period of exercise with a brief period of
And the overall length of your workout are much briefer in duration than your
typical aerobic sessions.
Power Cardio will -
1 - Burn more calories by elevating your metabolism so you lose fat faster
2 - Increase your power
3 - Increase your speed
4 - Increase your endurance
No matter what your fitness goals, power cardio is one of the best ways of
helping you achieve them. And the variations are endless. You can vary the
training parameters (exercise to rest ratio, number of intervals) to make the
workouts harder or easier, depending on what you are trying to accomplish.
You can also use any number of exrecises for your training, such as cycling,
sprinting, treadmill, elliptical trainers, jump rope, rope climbing, hill
sprints, and more.
Don't continue doing endless hours of aerobics that aren't helping you reach
your goals anyway. Get more out of your cardio workouts by performing interval
If you want to build muscle, lose fat and get fit fast, you need to add power
cardio to a program of intense weight training. These two forms of exercise,
combined with a proper nutrition program, will quickly and radically change
your body from a before into an after. By training intensely in short workout
sessions, you can spend less time training, allow your body to recover from
your workouts, and more quickly see muscle building, fat burning results!
Gregg Gillies is the founder of []. Interested in gaining 21 pounds of muscle in only 9 weeks? Grab his free report at []. Want to boost your metabolism, burn more fat with less effort and lose all the weight you Grab his free report at

Weight Loss and Burn Fat Programs - What Works and What to Avoid

Weight loss and burning fat are closely connected to each other. Ways to burn fat help tremendously in seeing some weight loss. That is why it is necessary to look into ways to do both to achieve your end results.
Fat is stored when you eat more calories or energy than you need. Simply put, you can use up or burn said fat when you cut back on the calories you consume, therefore using what was stored to make up for lack of energy input. There it is, your number one fat burn trick. Identify the calorie rich element(s) on your diet and either limit their intake or eliminate them altogether. High calorie food includes fast food (French fries, hamburgers, tacos, sandwiches, milkshake, etc), dates, condensed milk (sweetened), chicken pot pie, cheese sauce, bread crumbs, pecan pie, ricotta cheese, potato salad and eggnog.
Eating regularly and moderately also helps tremendously in fat burn effort. This habit keeps your metabolism at its highest productivity level and this translates to maximum fat burn. Don't let yourself go too hungry or, conversely, eat too much. Space out your meals in three hours periods to help with your weight loss program. It may seem strange to increase the frequency of your food intake but this will help you maintain a steady diet and prevent overeating.
Remember to also choose the right type of food in your fat burn and weight loss quest. Green vegetables and fruits are among the safest type, while whole grain, nuts and fish are also elements of a healthy diet. Drink more water. You may have a favorite soda which you consume daily. Try calculating how many calories you can cut back by switching to water. The numbers is mind boggling.
To hasten your weight loss, build your muscles. Muscles use up more calories when you work, work out or simply do anything. This, in turn, will burn more fat and helps you you lose weight that much quicker. Another way in the fat burn effort involves splitting your cardio sessions. It is proven to be much more effective in weight loss to do 30 minutes cardio training in the morning and another 30 minutes in the evening than to do it all in one 60 minutes session. It is linked to the theory that the body stays revved up in anticipation of another session within 24 hours - much the same as the metabolism exposed to frequent, small dosed meals.
Stay away from highly processed sugar laden food, especially before you go to bed if you want to stay on track with your fat burn effort. These types of carbohydrates found in cereals, bread, snack food and candies deposit fat too easily, one which is extremely difficult to get rid of. Eat vegetables if you have to eat before bed time. Vegetables, especially the leafy green kind, contains lots of fiber, which is a metabolism active promoter.
Another simple but surprisingly effective way toward weight loss is keeping a food diary. You need to write down exactly what you eat on a particular day and how much. It may not sound like much but when you actually try and do it, you will see how effective it is. Lots of guilt will creep in as you scribble and watch in dismay while the list goes on and on... not to mention
Want to learn more about burning fat and get a free 21-day trial to the hot Fat Burning Furnace weight loss program? Please visit my website [] to learn how to lose that weight and burn that fat. Let's get started today!

Killer Weight Loss Exercises to Burn Fat Fast

How do I burn fat fast? This is one of the top questions my weight-loss clients always ask. Most of my clients are in very poor physical condition. They have been on fad diets for years and years.
One client that came in last week has been on the Atkin's diet for a year. She told me that she lost a ton of weight doing her version of Dr. Atkin's diet program but her Medical Doctor told her to stop it because her cholesterol level was through the roof.
Now when I asked her what she had been eating on her version of the diet she proudly stated meat and lots of cheese. Well I asked if she bothered to eat vegetables or salads and she said nope not at all. I then told her that on the true Atkin's diet you only restrict healthy carbohydrates the first 2 weeks and then a person normally would start adding healthy vegetables to their diet especially leafy green vegetables. Then she again proudly states "Not on my version of the program" Well her version of the diet nearly killed her.
My point on telling you this is that many people have to get their body healthy even before they attempt to lose weight and burn fat especially if they intend to do perform any type of exercise.
So if you are so totally out of shape that walking up a flight of stairs has your heart pounding out of your chest and your lungs gasping for air I want you to consult your Doctor and ask him to recommend a good Medical weight loss specialist that can help you put together a safe program to achieve not only your goal weight but to get you healthy s well.
Now if you are healthy the following exercise will burn the fat off of your body in no time at all.
OK let's get started - Perform as many of the following exercises in the time period written next to it:
  • Burpees for 30 seconds
  • Rest for 30 seconds
  • Mountain climbers for 30 seconds
  • Rest for 30 seconds
  • Wood Choppers for 30 seconds
  • Rest for 30 seconds
  • Kettle-bell or dumbbell swings for 30 seconds
  • Rest for 30 seconds
  • Push-ups for 30 seconds
  • Take a 3 - 5 minute break and repeat the entire routine and then you are done.
Do this routine 3 days a week on non consecutive days and of course you must consult your medical doctor before starting this or any exercise program.
Medical weight loss programs across the country are helping people lose weight in safely and effectively. These Doctors and their staff will help you achieve the weight loss you desire and hold your hand step by step and guide you through the weight loss process.
If you live in or near Philadelphia, PA visit our website for our Philadelphia medical weight loss program at Weight Loss Philadelphia. If you cannot exercise because of back pain check out our sciatica and back pain relief program at Philadelphia Chiropractor

Tips to Burn Fat Fast and Banish Stubborn Belly Fat

There is no way that losing weight can be considered easy. It requires motivation, dedication, and plenty of hard work. However, those that are trying to take off even a few pounds shouldn't become overwhelmed by the task ahead. By taking baby steps and using a good fat burning diet, it's entirely possible to burn fat fast and reach your goal.
Losing weight permanently will take more than going on a crash diet. To lose weight and keep it off, you'll have to make some changes to your entire lifestyle. The best place to start is with the foods you consume because this is one of the most important elements of a fat burning diet. Here is a plan that will help you burn fat fast and boost your weight loss efforts:
1. Avoid red meat. A positive change to any diet would include cutting back or eliminating the consumption of red meat. Not only does red meat cause many people to put on weight, but if can have a negative affect on your cholesterol level. To counter any cravings for red meat, work on training your taste buds to savor fish, seafood, and shellfish. Other good choices are the white meat from chicken or turkey. This advice doesn't imply that you should stop eating meat, just read meat. Meat is an excellent source of protein and protein is needed when you want to burn fat fast.
2. Prepare food in a healthy way. Try different food preparation methods including roasting, broiling, boiling, baking, and grilling fish and meat rather than deep frying them. Avoid creamy sauces that are commonly served with main entrees. Instead, use low calorie condiments like a bit of barbecue sauce to make your main course taste interesting. Fish can be perfectly complemented with a lemon herb dressing. By starting a herb garden of your own or stocking your pantry with tasty herbs and spices, you can add flavor to your food without using excess salt or oil.
3. Use common sense when indulging in fast foods. When you have no other choice but to eat at a fast food restaurant, avoid "all you can eat" buffets and large servings. Eating like this too often will quickly add extra inches to your waistline. Regardless of whether you're dining in a restaurant or at home, you can curb your hunger by starting with a salad or cup of soup. While waiting for the main course, this provides a feeling of fullness that will help you consume smaller portions. Of course, smaller portions are part of a fat burning diet or any other weight loss plan.
4. Begin your meal with soup or salad. Choose vegetable soups with a clear base and avoid cream soups. By eating vegetable soups, you will benefit from the nutrients and the fiber makes you feel full. When eating salad, choose low calorie salad dressing like vinaigrette. With a salad, you will also benefit from the nutrients in the vegetables and the fiber that makes you feel full. When looking for a dessert, choose fresh fruit whenever possible. It's natural to crave dessert after a meal, but don't give in to sweets that are full of empty calories. Again, you will benefit from the fiber, vitamins, and minerals that fresh fruits contain, while avoiding adding the many calories that most other desserts contain.
These are just a few things you can do to burn fat fast and completely change how you look at food. Not only will you become healthier, but your taste buds will become accustomed to the delicious foods that are part of fat burning diets.
Sick and tired of fad diets that doesn't work? Here you will find articles and reviews of the best fat burning diets to lose weight permanently. You can also read my fat burning review and lose weight quickly.

Thermogenics Fat Burners Help With Weight Loss

Exactly what are "thermogenics fat burners" and how will they help with weight loss? First, to have successful weight loss you need to have a simple awareness of how your body burns fat. Your body will naturally consume primarily carbs for its first fuel source then to burning fat when its carb source is exhausted. Your activity levels and your dietary intake will govern how and which one it uses. This is where your metabolism comes into play, which is basically how your body transfers your food into energy. When trying to lose weight we of course need to burn more fat than we do carbs. However, keep in mind effective weight loss also includes using more calories daily than we take in and is more important than what fuel source our body is using.
By improving, increasing and taking control of your metabolism is the key to achieving fat burn. By reducing the body's supply of carbs will cause your metabolic system to turn to burning fat. Notice that I said reducing, not completely cutting out cabs. Why? Because your body needs carbs to function properly, how many depends on your individual metabolic type. Next, increase protein and good fat in your diet. Protein is a natural way to increase the thermogenics fat burners and eating good fats helps train your system to burn fat and will help you with feeling full and less hungry. Combine this with eating smaller meals more often during the day. Why? This helps keep your metabolic system running strong and burning fat throughout the day.
How can you benefit from "thermogenics fat burners" supplements? Essentially these fat burners will help increase your body's metabolism rate which increases temperature and triggering increased fat burn. Along with intensified fat burning they will also help increase your energy levels due to the rise in your metabolic rate. This is very beneficial as being on a diet or weight loss plan can reduce energy levels for most of us.
Summary of benefits thermogenics fat burners supplements can give you:
  • Helps to give you increased energy. By helping to increase your metabolism rate will result in an increase your energy levels. This helps to keep you more active and can help with improved exercise performance which boosts fat burning.
  • Stimulates your natural hormones. Enabling anabolism for building muscle, catabolism to better breakdown food which also releases energy.
  • Suppressing appetite. Eating less and feeling full is imperative for your weight loss success.
So remember the combined influences of increasing your metabolism to help burn fat, suppressing your appetite and increased activity will help you to lose weight. A good thermogenics fat burner can help you with all of these areas to help boost your overall fat and weight loss. There are many thermogenics fat burners in today's market to choose from. The important thing is to do your research and find a natural, safe and tested product that will work for you.
Making healthy choices will help you live a better quality of life, a longer quantity of life and just plain make you feel better. Healthy Choices Plus can help you discover tips, tools and products you can use every day. Visit us at

Yoga Weight Loss - Yoga Fat Burning for Women

Pop icon Madonna is undoubtedly one of the most preferred bi-products of commercialized yoga. Since she began to come out with that toned as well as smoothed figure, girls all over the globe liked to know exactly what kind of diet she has been doing. When she divulged that she has actually been on her voyage of self-discovery as well as has actually located a new source of spirituality, she additionally divulged her tip in preserving her nearly eternal youth appeal-- performing yoga that is.
But, aside from remaining fit via practicing of yoga there is just so much more concerning the willpower that individuals ought to recognize.
Before becoming gaga over yoga, you should familiarize yourself to start with relating to just what yoga truly is, its roots, the many governing premises behind the discipline and also precisely how could you profit from it.
Let's beginning initially by specifying the overseas word that is yoga. Essentially, the word "yoga" is rooted from a foreign language of historical India where it is emerged-- the Sanskrit. "Yoga," in Sanskrit, implies "unison or joining." It may either be an unison that occurs between the mind and the spirit, in between the body and the spirit or a joining of the thoughts, body and also spirit as a whole.
However, the phrase "yoga" can be efficiently specified by an additional Sanskrit word "asana"-- the practice of bodily positions or postures. Although "asana" is only one of the 8 known types of yoga, both phrases are right now being taken as one because considering that both of them are interested in mental and spiritual well being than in completely exercising.
Because yoga has actually been packaged for the European society, it is now ideal called an overall phrase that features different disciplines. As well as right now, yoga is more popularly known to individuals as a type of discipline that differs from one idea to an additional. The phrase yoga is currently also deemed a self-control that deals with solely physical abstraction to simply spiritual conquest as well as to practically everything in between. If you are considering performing yoga to improve your life, you need to understand hoe to transform its governing options to your own total satisfaction.
If you are really interested with yoga, you ought to be willing to find out nearly anything relating to it.
First of all, you should define why you want it.
Several of the many various styles of yoga that being educated and engaged in today include "hatha," the slow-paced as well as peaceful design; "vinyasa," the breath-synchronized motion design; "ashtanga," the fast-paced and also intense style of yoga practice; "iyengar," bodily alignment style, "kundalini," the breath in conjunction with bodily motion design; as well as "bikram" or "warm yoga" which is performed in a 95-100 level room permitting the loosening of tight muscles and also profuse sweating.
The can Yoga Dop for You?
Aside from being an efficient worry and anxiety reducer, performing of yoga is even shown to raise durability, create energy, build and also tone muscles, greatly improve goal, concentration, as well as posture, diminish blood stress, greatly improve memory, and also ease pain.
An additional basic thing you ought to learn about yoga is that it calls for an effort or force through various poses. Done with the performance of positions, the majority of individuals could assume that yoga is nearly stretching, utmost focus as well as unusual positions. True, you view individuals engaging in yoga doing some sort of "acrobatic" stunts, but those spreading out are not simply just basic flexing of muscles: these are creative methods that stabilize the body to establish speed, overall flexibility as well as durability. Because each posture has a specific bodily perk, the postures in yoga can be done in continuity to develop heat energy in the body with movement that will certainly build-up a rise in stamina.

Top 6 Crazy Weight Loss Myths

Want to know the truth about weight loss and hear the ridiculous lies you've been told? Read on...
1) Myth: "You need a fast metabolism to lose weight"
The Truth: As people gain weight, their resting metabolic rate speeds up - therefore disproving this myth. This means that when you are bigger you need to eat more to sustain your weight. This means that your metabolism is sped up but won't mean that you're burning fat fast at all.
2) Myth: "Low fat products are great for losing weight"
The Truth: Foods you find in 'healthy ranges' in supermarkets or products marked with 'low fat' or 'fat free' labels don't mean that they are free from calories - in fact they are more likely to contain more calories because of the amount of extra flavourings and sugar added to them. If you really want something that is genuinely low fat, look at the label and make sure it has 3 grams or less fat per 100 grams.
3) Myth: "Being fat is genetic"
The Truth: Obesity is very rarely a genetic condition. You are more likely to inherit the bad lifestyle habits from your parents and guardians rather than actually being born with a gene that makes you fat. Being big isn't the only problem that you may face if you are overweight but high blood pressure and diabetes may also be a side effect of excess weight.
4) Myth: "Diets never work"
The Truth: Starving yourself doesn't work, and neither do fad diets which you will give up on after a few weeks. However, if you think about dieting, it is really just making healthy food and exercise choices. This type of diet works well because you are staying active and getting a balanced diet without overindulging and having more calories than your body can process.
5) Myth: "Frozen vegetables aren't as nutritious as fresh vegetables"
The Truth: 5 portions of fruit and veg a day is what you should aim for - regardless of whether it is frozen or fresh. Fresh fruit often tastes nicer, and raw veg is nice in salads. Frozen veggies have been proven to keep the nutrients locked in for longer - even during transit. However, boiling them can often results in many nutrients being lost - try steaming your vegetables instead!
6) Myth: "Pasta and bread make you fat"
The Truth: Although bread and pasta are high in carbohydrates, it is only over eating these types of foods which can make us gain weight. Because of this, many people avoid high carb foods when on a diet - you can however just limit your intake instead. Also, rather than having white bread or pasta, switch to whole grains. You will also find that the foods you eat with these products can also be culprits when it comes to weight gain - don't blame the pasta and bread - it could well be the creamy pasta sauce that boosted your calories or the sugary jam on your toast. Try low fat spreads and tomato pasta sauce instead!
Hi I am Gary Abernathy author of this article and many more. I am an avid Health and fitness nut. I have had a weight problem all my life up to about 5 years ago, When I finally done something about the weight problem. I now write articles such as this one, and have a web site set up so that people can read more interesting articles about weight loss. Please go to this link and check it out.

Food That Burns Fat - Burn Abdominal Fat

Let's get blunt. The main reason people are fat and unable to burn fat consistently is due to the kinds of foods they eat. It really isn't your fault though. As our society continues to automate to meet the demands of peoples busy lives, we seem to forget to slow down and really think about the foods we are putting into our bodies.
By eating the right foods, you will begin to burn abdominal fat, and it won't take a lot of effort. The basic principles you need to take away from this are: 1) know the foods that create accelerated fat burning in order to burn abdominal fat; 2) know the particular foods that prevent you from burning fat, and how to avoid them; 3) eat the right foods and begin to burn abdominal fat immediately.
A good first step is - if the product has an ingredient list, chances are you shouldn't be eating it. This goes for anything packaged in a box, can, or bottle. Truth is, those foods don't even have 1/10 of their original nutritional value. These products are loaded with hydrogenated oils and sugars and are heavily processed - all of which will make it almost impossible to burn fat and lose weight.
The exceptions to this are foods like: eggs, steak, chicken, raw nuts, and fish. These packaged foods are okay to eat. And if you can get them organically raised, that's even better.
Basically fruits and vegetables are fair game. Here are a few foods that burn fat, that you can start enjoying today.
Spinach. Remember those cartoons of Popeye? Well he was right to include Spinach in his diet. Its' low in calories and high in nutrients, and research shows that it aids to prevent age-related macular degeneration and some cancers. Spinach is also considered a Superfood which makes it a great food to burning fat.
Walnuts. Raw nuts are a great source of protein and fiber. It's important to have some source of high-quality protein in your diet to maintain muscle tissue while eating foods to burn fat. They are also high in Vitamin E and Omega-3. Eating unprocessed nuts are a great way to get heart healthy saturated fats in your diet.
Honey. Sugar is your number one enemy when it comes to burning stomach fat. Honey is the exception as it contains antioxidants that prevent the effects of free radicals. We are exposed to free radicals all day from air pollutants, tobacco smoke, even radiation. Honey also contains oligasaccharides, which increase the number of good bacteria in the colon. Color is relevant to honey. Thus, the darker the honey the more antioxidants it contains.
Salmon. Chocked-full of Omega-3 fatty acids, this tasty fish is a great and protein-rich. Omega-3 is beneficial to heart health. The best salmon is wild caught as opposed to farm-raised. Farm-raised salmon has been shown to contain elevated levels of contaminants and is artificially colored - due to the pellets the fish are fed.
Dark Chocolate. It's true, dark chocolate contains important antioxidants and can help to reduce blood pressure. Remember, that darker is better as the processing strips the chocolate of some of its health benefits. Do keep you chocolate intake low, due to the fats and calories.
Blueberries. Tasty and sweet are a great addition to your smoothies. They also contain high levels of antioxidants. These are one of many fruits that burn fat. They are also a Superfood at burning fat and have been shown to improve urinary tract health.

Take Off The Weight With Foods That Burn Fat

Over thirty percent of the population is obese. These numbers are expected to keep going up in the next few years. We need to keep ourselves healthy, but eating right can seem an impossible prospect. When you're ready to lose some weight add these foods that burn fat to you diet.

People turn to fast food because it's convenient, and doesn't need preparation. It's less work to just grab something and eat it. Despite what you may think, many fat burning foods don't need to be prepared either. Just keep them in a handy place and eat them whenever you want.

Oatmeal is a fantastic fat burning food. It doesn't take long to make and it's full of fiber. Eat one bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, and you won't be hungry until lunch. Research has shown people who eat breakfast lose more weight than people who skip it. Oatmeal keeps your blood sugar levels steady and reduces cravings. The fiber and protein boost your metabolism, burning fat.

Nuts are a tasty snack that can take off the pounds. They contain good fats which lower cholesterol. They are also full of fiber, and the Omega-3's in walnuts keep your arteries supple. Though they are full of calories, you only need to eat a few to keep you full. The protein content makes them take a long time to digest, and your body will burn fuel doing so. Fried and salted nuts aren't as healthy, so keep away from those varieties.
Dairy products are amazing fat burners. Start drinking a cup or two of low-fat milk each day. You can also eat small portions of cheese. The big fat burner in dairy products is calcium. Not only does it dissolve fat, but it breaks it down as well. Dairy products also have large amounts of protein which keep you full and boost your metabolism.

Eggs can help burn fat quickly. They are filling and don't have many calories. They keep you full. It takes your body a long time to process the protein in them and you will burn calories. The best way to eat them is to boil them. You won't have any added calories. A boiled egg is portable and requires no preparation.
Eggs contain vitamin B12; a potent fat burner. Research has proven eating eggs for breakfast, instead of toast or bagels, can help you lose much more weight. Get the figure you've always wanted when you start eating these foods that burn fat.

For a list of 16 foods that burn fat and more weight loss articles visit
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