Killer Weight Loss Exercises to Burn Fat Fast

How do I burn fat fast? This is one of the top questions my weight-loss clients always ask. Most of my clients are in very poor physical condition. They have been on fad diets for years and years.
One client that came in last week has been on the Atkin's diet for a year. She told me that she lost a ton of weight doing her version of Dr. Atkin's diet program but her Medical Doctor told her to stop it because her cholesterol level was through the roof.
Now when I asked her what she had been eating on her version of the diet she proudly stated meat and lots of cheese. Well I asked if she bothered to eat vegetables or salads and she said nope not at all. I then told her that on the true Atkin's diet you only restrict healthy carbohydrates the first 2 weeks and then a person normally would start adding healthy vegetables to their diet especially leafy green vegetables. Then she again proudly states "Not on my version of the program" Well her version of the diet nearly killed her.
My point on telling you this is that many people have to get their body healthy even before they attempt to lose weight and burn fat especially if they intend to do perform any type of exercise.
So if you are so totally out of shape that walking up a flight of stairs has your heart pounding out of your chest and your lungs gasping for air I want you to consult your Doctor and ask him to recommend a good Medical weight loss specialist that can help you put together a safe program to achieve not only your goal weight but to get you healthy s well.
Now if you are healthy the following exercise will burn the fat off of your body in no time at all.
OK let's get started - Perform as many of the following exercises in the time period written next to it:
  • Burpees for 30 seconds
  • Rest for 30 seconds
  • Mountain climbers for 30 seconds
  • Rest for 30 seconds
  • Wood Choppers for 30 seconds
  • Rest for 30 seconds
  • Kettle-bell or dumbbell swings for 30 seconds
  • Rest for 30 seconds
  • Push-ups for 30 seconds
  • Take a 3 - 5 minute break and repeat the entire routine and then you are done.
Do this routine 3 days a week on non consecutive days and of course you must consult your medical doctor before starting this or any exercise program.
Medical weight loss programs across the country are helping people lose weight in safely and effectively. These Doctors and their staff will help you achieve the weight loss you desire and hold your hand step by step and guide you through the weight loss process.
If you live in or near Philadelphia, PA visit our website for our Philadelphia medical weight loss program at Weight Loss Philadelphia. If you cannot exercise because of back pain check out our sciatica and back pain relief program at Philadelphia Chiropractor

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